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Friday, August 5, 2011

Quick Frame Makeover!

Frames are one of the main decor items in my house! I LOVE pictures, and naturally they need a place to go, so I have TONS of them around! When I got married, my color was black! Black word blocks, black candlesticks, black clocks... and black frames! 3 years later, I'm not so into the black anymore! So instead of going out and buying all new decor... I turned to my best friend... SPRAY PAINT!
Here is the 'before' picture. I got this frame at a yard sale for $4. STEAL! It's HEAVY and chunky, in a Decor store this would cost you at least $25-$30! It sat on my shelf a long time like this, until I went through one of my spraypainting moods and this ended up out in the garage! 2 coats later... I had this...
You can see where I got excited and stared sanding before I took the picture! Anyways, all I did was took a sheet of coarse sand paper and went to town on it! I sanded each ridge, corner, and bump until I had the worn look that I was looking for! And I LOVE it! I think it looks so much better than it did! Updated picture. A few new accesories. And VOILA!

 Refinishing old frames is a great way to update your decor! It's super cheap and makes a big difference!
I buy most of my frames at yard sales, look at elderly peoples houses, they have the best! Look for really ornate, chunky frames that have a lot of ridges on them.
My sister in law finds AWESOME frames at the DI near her house! The one by me is usually pretty picked over, but I have found a few there!

Here are a few other frames I've spray painted...

Funny story about the frame above! It's actually 2 frames that I superglued together. The top frame was the teired one, and I loved it, but it was a little too small, so I bought a plain flat frame and glued it behind it! My husband calls these (I made2) the frames of many colors! They have been black, green, maroon and white. I like white the best :)


Jamey said...

I love how your frames are chunky and not all the same - all the frames on my walls, are almost all the same frame - so maybe I should check out the DI or garage sales this weekend before I put my frames up and so I can get some different texture. I need a shelf too! I love your decor!

Unknown said...

Your frames rock and I am dying over the ones you super glued together! What a great idea!! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

Karen said...

I love the vintage shabby look on the white one! Cute family!! Your blog is awesome. I don't think I have been here before:) Have a great week.

Nichole said...

I am loving that frame you super glued together! What a great idea!!

Thanks for sharing your ideas :o)

the vintage lemon said...

Cute frames~! I love them all!

Renee V said...

I'm new to your blog, (found it today!) and am super excited about your enthusiasm, and sharing of ideas! LOVE your frames girl!! So I have a really dumb question that I could probably find elsewhere, but... what type of spraypaint? Cuz I am always so overwhelmed when I go into Lowe's or Home Depot and see aisles and aisles of spray paint.. gloss, semi-gloss, matte, flat, satin, etc.etc.etc.etc.! Which ones & brands are you happy with?! Thanks for your time :)

Sweet Peas and Bumblebees said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog! You have such great ideas and recipes!

Sweet Peas and Bumblebees

Lauryn Ashli said...

this is so wonderful! i would love for you to link this up to my flashback fridays party! a place for bloggers to link up their oldies! check it out!
{love} lauryn @

Unknown said...

What a great idea! What kind/brand of paint is your favorite, or that you find covers best? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I also have my spray paint moods! I have sprayed the frames in our house and sanded between layers to get a "vintage" look. Love it!
I really like your idea to glue two frames together. I'll be doing that next!

Tammy said...

this is fantastic! So many 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 frames are expensive so this is such a great way to add volume and class to a picture! Not to mention I love the rustic/vintage look to the frames.

Genius! I'll definitely be reposting this on my blog!

Charlene Carmeans said...

I am always redoing you I buy many at yard sales and good will and you can really find some cute ones at $ Tree...I like to chalk paint and distress..I love the ideal of two glued..I will be doing that for sure...OMG the baby is toooo cute...thanks for sharing...charlene

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I have a ton of simply/plain frames as that was all I could afford, but I honestly never thought of doubling up 2 "ugly' frames & creating a unique one. I just wanted to thank you for the time it took to post this and I will repin directly from your site to share with others. Keep up the good work. I am staring my own first blog and am new to the whole thing, thank you for being an inspiration. :) I will follow you and hope to be in touch in the future.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful frames! I especially love that photo of Christ. My brother just so happens to be the painter who did it! ;0)

Janet said...

Great idea to glue the two frames together! I want to look through my frame stash now to see it there's something I can do with them. :)

Katy said...

Can you switch the picture out once you glued the two frames together?

Unknown said...

Hi there! Each Wednesday, I post five of my favorite Pinterest pins to share and your green frame-in-a-frame made my list this week!

Renee Holder Decorative ARTist & Instructor of 2chattychicks said...

What a lovely idea because it is quick and easy. I hope you don't mind that I share your idea along with others on one of my blog post with a link back to your site.
And your recipes are to die for..yummmmm. I have added them to my list of items to cook.

castoravon said...

Your step-by-step instructions are a game changer for someone like me who enjoys a good Picture framing near me near me project but isn't a creative genius. Your welcoming tone makes me feel like I'm getting advise from a friend rather than just reading a blog.

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