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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lemon Poppy Seed Cake with Swiss Meringue White Chocolate Frosting...with fresh Raspberries.

A cake with a name like that has to be good. 
and it's even better...

Found the Original Recipe HERE.

I modified mine a little, to make it faster and easier. 

-2 boxes of cake mix, one yellow cake and one lemon cake, just mix together in a big bowl.
-follow each recipe on the back of the box for eggs, water, and oil. 
-3 teaspoons of poppy seeds

mix and put into cake pans. I used 4 square 8x8 pans and filled them all half way. 
bake 2 at a time for 25 minutes. perfect, yummy, delicious smelling, cake is ready!
let it cool while you make this uber intense frosting....but it's totally worth it!

Swiss Meringue White Chocolate Frosting:

-5 Egg Whites
-1 cup Sugar
-Pinch of Salt
-2 cups (4 sticks) Unsalted Butter, Softened
-1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
-8 oz. Good Quality White Chocolate, chopped

**noticed that I split the recipe in half. and it was more than enough frosting to cover all the cakes.

While the cakes are cooling, make the swiss meringue buttercream frosting
Place the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl.  Set the bowl over a pot of simmering water. Melt the chocolate until completely smooth.  Take the bowl off the heat and let sit on the counter until completely cooled. 

In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the egg whites, sugar, and salt.  Place the bowl over a pot of simmering water.  Whisk constantly until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture reaches about 150 degrees F.

Take the bowl and attach it your mixture, fitted with the whisk attachment.  Whisk the egg white mixture until it reaches room temperature and stiff peaks have formed, about 5-10 minutes.  At this point the mixture will be thickened and white.  With the mixer on low speed, add the butter, 2 tablespoon as a time.  Once all the butter is added, raise the speed to medium high and mix until the mixture starts to come together.  Remove the whisk attachment and replace with the beater attachment.  Beat until the buttercream comes together fully and is smooth.  This will take time, about 5 minutes.  So don’t worry if you think you did something wrong, it will come together and create a smooth and creamy buttercream.

Once finished, mix in the vanilla.  Gradually add in the melted and cooled white chocolate.  Be careful to not let it touch the sides of the bowl because you don’t want it to harden.  Beat until the frosting is smooth.  You can also color your buttercream at this point if desired.  If the buttercream is too soft, you can place it in the freezer for about 5 minutes to let it slightly harden.  Then beat the frosting again to smooth it out and get it to the right consistency. 

**I put mine in the freezer for 5 minutes and then whipped with a whisk to get it fluffier. 

Assembling the cakes. 
I layered 2 cakes on top of each other, putting a little frosting with whole raspberries in between each cake. You then cover the cake with frosting and top it off with fresh raspberries. 


they don't look perfect or pretty, by any means. but we were to much in a hurry to eat them...they are soooo yummy!

Wingers Sticky Finger Quesedilla {Copycat}

My Hubby and I LOVE Wingers! We have been going there since we stated dating, actually he started going there long before that! Him and his buddies would flirt with the waitresses to get free asphalt pie :) (He's lucky I came along:) flirting for pie... how embarrassing) Anyways he gets the same thing pretty much EVERY time we go there. the Sticky Finger Quesedilla. So when I found the recipe online and made it for him, he was on cloud 9!
(The sauce recipe is everywhere online, this was the recipe I used for reference, but I tweaked it to fit our tastes)

Wingers Sticky Finger Quesedilla
Sauce:1/3 c. +2 TBS Franks Hot Sauce
1 1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 tsp white vinegar (this cuts the sweetness. just do it. trust me.)

Heat the Hot sauce, brown sugar to a boil and remove from heat, it will thicken as it cools. Add vinegar last and mix well.
flour tortillas
Tyson popcorn chicken
The sauce you made :)
cheddar cheese
ranch dressing
After baking the popcorn chicken (dont microwave it, it'll be soggy) drizzle the sauce over the chicken and toss to coat. cover the tortilla with cheese, add you chicken, top with more cheese and then the other tortilla. place onto a hot griddle until cheese is melted and both sides are browned! For YUMMY dipping sauce, mix a little of the wingers sauce with ranch! DIP, and ENJOY!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Photos for your 72 hour Kit!

I thought it might be a good idea to go a little more in depth into what I did for our family pictures for our 72 hour kits! It was VERY simple actually! All I did was find the photos I wanted to use (family, my hubby, me, and my baby) and opened them with photoshop. Make sure they are photos that your faces are visible, these can be used for anything from photos from children to look at to pass time, to photos needed for a search party! I typed our full names underneath and printed them onto regular paper. You could also just write the names under the photos. Then I cut them out and laminated them, punched holes in the corners and tied them together with some ribbon. If you arent able to get to a laminater, you can use packing tape over both sides and then just trim it!
This was SO fast and easy! And it was cheap so I can redo the book every time we get our new family photos!
Isn't he a cutie!?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Chicken and Veggie Egg Rolls

These were SOO yummy! I have a slight addiction to egg rolls... but who doesn't? I'm not a huge fan of the baked kind, I like 'em fried up and crispy! Here's mine...

Chicken and Veggie Egg Rolls
(makes about 10)
10 egg roll wrappers
2cups finely shredded purple cabbage
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup shredded chicken
1 TBS soy sauce
1 TBS teryaki sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp powdered ginger

In a wok, or a large skillet, saute cabbage and carrots until slightly tender. Add chicken and all of the other ingredients and cook for 5-10 min until everything has cooked down together. Lay out your egg roll wrappers and fill them with a spoonfull of filling in a line down the center of the wrapper on a diagonal. roll the wrappers (while tucking in the ends) and seal the edge with a little water to make it stick. (the package for the egg rolls should have pictures to show you how to do this) Fry in about 1/4 inch of vegetable oil on all 4 sides until golden brown. Dip in soy sauce or teryaki.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Menu Plan Monday... (on Thursday?)

I really have been planning my weekly Menus!... I just keep forgeting to post them! I'm going to TRY and do better!
I figured that mostly people just want dinner ideas from these anyways, so I'll go ahead and post the menu I made for this week, even though the week is more than 1/2 way over!

Monday: Dinner with a couple from our ward (I made Summer garden Pasta Salad)

Tuesday: Beef and Bean Chimichangas (recipe to come!)

Wednesday: French Bread Pizzas

Thursday: Meatloaf Muffins (recipe to come!) Mashed Potatoes and Zucchini

Friday: Crock Pot French Dips -shown above (had to make it an easy night... we will be getting ready for a yard sale!

Saturday: Date Night :)

Sunday: BBQ Beef Pizza (recipe to come!)

Summer Squash Pasta

We have an abundance of squash right now, which we are loving, however there are only so many ways to cook it. This recipe is one of our FAVORITES! I've seriously made this at least once a week all summer!!
It's not heavy, its light and yummy and not over filling! PERFECT summer dinner!

Summer Squash Pasta
1/2 box thin spaghetti, cooked
1/2 cup chicken cooked and cubed (optional)
2 medium squash
3 TBS Extra Virgin olive oil
1 tsp garlic bread seasoning (mixture of garlic powder, parsley, etc. just use what ya' got!)
1/2 tsp siracha chili sauce
1 TBS lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon pepper
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder

In a pan, saute squash in the olive oil and garlic seasoning until the squash is soft. Add the cooked spaghetti and all the other ingredients. Combine well and serve!
You could also leave out the chicken and make this a vegetarian meal!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Emergency Preparedness Kit {week-by-week}

I had REALLY been wanting to start an Emergency Kit for our family, and I finally got the ambition to do it! I broke my list down into weeks, adding up to a year. That way it's not so overwhelming (and expensive) to do all at once! You can either go by order, or pick and choose things that you find on sale, or that you have in the house. Just make sure if you do miw them up, to add the $5 + 4 quarters periodically, or you will end up putting in $70 all at once! Don't get this list confused with a Food Storage list, this has a FEW food items, but its mostly emergency supplies. Feel free to add/take away from this list to fit your family's needs!
I found a container that I had lying around and cut out some vinyl for it (because every project starts with vinyl!) Then I went through the list and found the things I had already in the house that we could spare and added them.
it isnt much... its a start!

1.       Container to hold your Kit.
2.       1 Flashlight for each person + extra batteries
3.       Current family picture and photo of each family member (More on this later :) )
4.       Can opener
5.       List of important phone #’s (laminated if possible) (I added our cell phones, all 4 of our parents cell phones, our Family Doctor, the city police, and the city fire dept.)
6.       $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
7.       4 rolls toilet paper
8.       1 bar soap
9.       1 emergency blanket per person
10.   1 roll paper towels
11.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
12.   1 box bandaids
13.   1 package wet wipes
14.   100ct multi vitamins
15.   1 pack of gum
16.   2 candles
17.   Package of matches
18.   2 decks of cards
19.   Face Masks 2 per person
20.   1 bottle Ibuprofen (add baby Tylenol if you have a baby)
21.   2 lighters
22.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
23.   1 whistle per person
24.   5 dice (to play games)
25.   Rubber gloves 2 pair per person
26.   Sunblock
27.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
28.   Gauze and medical tape
29.   3 heat pouches per person
30.   Bugspray
31.   Rope
32.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
33.   1 package garbage bags (10)
34.   Package of tums
35.   Pocket knife
36.   Thermometer
37.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
38.   Hand sanitizer
39.   2 packs instant hot coco per person
40.   5 packages garden seeds
41.   2 packs instant soup per person
42.   $5 In one dollar bills + 4 quarters
43.   10 hard candies per person (i.e. butterscotch, cinnamon etc.)
44.   4 AA batteries
45.   10 instant crystal lite packages
46.   2 instant oatmeal packs per person
47.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters
48.   Notebook and pens (for journaling/notes/entertaining kids)
49.    Small pot
50.    Travel size shampoo/conditioner
51.   Bible/Book of Mormon
52.   $5 in one dollar bills + 4 quarters

I'll try and update every few months of what it looks like, as it fills! I hope this gives you the ambition to start your own!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sausage and Pepper Casserole

This casserole was SO fast and easy! oh and I failed to mention YUMM-Y! I already had the frozen rice, and the cooked sausage in the freezer, so it literally took 10 minutes to make!
Sausage and Pepper Casserole
4 cups cooked rice
1 cup cooked sausage crumbles
1/2 of a bell pepper, chopped
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 TBS soy sauce
1 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
3 TBS sour cream

Mix everything in a bowl, and put it all into an 8x8 casserole dish. Bake at 400 until the top is browned (about 10 min)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Red Hot Chicken Po-Boy

This sandwich is SO simple... but it is SOO SOO yummy! THe sauce totally makes it, and you can add more/less hotsauce to adjust the heat level to your liking!
You need...
Cooked Popcorn Chicken (just the tyson kind, about 6-7 large peices)
1 crusty roll
shredded cabbage
1tsp Franks Hot Sause
1TBS Miracle Whip

Mix the mayo and hot sauce in a small bowl and spread generously on the insides of the roll. Add chicken, cabbage and lettuce and DEVOUR!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mini Egg Muffins

This is kind of a chop and toss recipe. I didn't really measure too close, so just use your best guess:)
4 Eggs
Cooked crumbled sausage
chopped bell pepper
shredded chedder cheese
salt & pepper

add all ingredients into a bowl and pour into a greased (REALLY WELL) mini muffin pan (of course you can use a regular muffin pan, it will just take more time to cook) and bake at oh, I'd say 400 for about 8-10 min or until the eggs are set.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Freezer Chocolate Chip Cookies

I really love homemade cookies, but I don't love the cleanup that comes after... and I REALLY don't love eating the whole batch in 2 days because they are sitting there! So I decided to try freezing the cookie dough, and it works! It was so nice to have fresh baked cookies without all the mess! I got the recipe here (my changes are in red) and then right after I rolled the cookies, instead of baking them, I placed them on a baking sheet (making sure they weren't touching) and stuck them in the freezer for a few hours until they were frozen solid. Then I tossed them all in a gallon ziploc and threw them in the freezer! When I was ready to bake them here's what I did...
With the oven OFF, arrange how ever many cookies you want on the cookie sheet and place in the cold oven. Turn the oven onto 400 degrees and set the timer for 10 minutes. The cookies will thaw while the oven preheats, and then watch them after the 10 min. is up. Mine took about 12-14 min one time, and then the next time they took about 16 min. So just watch them for the last few minutes. Let them cool, and enjoy the yummy cookies and your CLEAN kitchen! :)

Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 cups plus 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
12 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted and cooled until warm (I use 6 tbs butter and 6 tbs vegetable shortening so that your cookies dont end up too flat)
1 cup brown sugar, packed
½ cup granulated sugar
1 large egg plus 1 egg yolk (I just used 2 eggs)
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ½ cups semi-sweet chocolate chips (I didn't add that many)

Adjust oven racks to upper and lower-middle positions.  Preheat oven 325°.  Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.

Whisk dry ingredients together in a medium bowl; set aside.  With electric mixer, or by hand, mix butter and sugars until thoroughly combined.  Beat in egg, yolk, and vanilla until combined.  Add dry ingredients and beat at low-speed just until combined.  Stir in chocolate chips.

Roll a scant half-cup of dough into a ball.  Holding dough ball in fingertips of both hands, pull apart into two equal halves.  Rotate halves 90 degrees and, with jagged surfaces facing up, place formed dough onto cookie sheet, leaving ample room between each ball.  Bake, reversing position of cookie sheets halfway through baking, until cookies are light golden brown and outer edges start to harden yet centers are still soft and puffy (approximately 11-14 minutes).  Do not overbake.

Cool cookies on sheets until able to lift without breaking.  Transfer to a wire rack to cool. 


Friday, July 22, 2011

Barn Door Shelf {DIY}

I had an empty space above our bed in the Master bedroom that was driving me CRAZY ever since we moved in.
I ADORE our vaulted ceilings, but they can be a pain to decorate!
 So when I saw this tutorial, I knew I had to make one!... or rather have my husband make me one :)
Thankfully he had just gotten a new saw for christmas, so he was more than happy to test it out on my project! He also was able to find me the barn wood, and has a ton of screws in the garage... so bonus!
This project was FREE!
You will need:
4 wood boards (8x1 - 47in long)
3 2x4's 3ft long
LONG screws
Wooden board 1x10x47 (for the shelf)
Now to be totally honest, my husband did most of this. But it's pretty self explanitory! All he did, after cutting the boards is screw them all into the 2x4's from the back. Then he cut the middle 2x4 on angles at the ends to make it fit between them. Then he attatched the shelf to the bottom! 
When he was all done putting it together, I sprayed the entire thing with Rusoleum 2x Coverage in Antique White. It took a few coats, and I have to tell you that REAL barn wood does not paint easily. I was okay with that because I wanted it to look rally worn, but if you want a cleaner look, I would go with new wood. After drying, I stained it with a dark stain, and let it dry again. One last step I promise! All I did was run my sander over the whole thing a few times to get that fresh paint look off, and I was DONE! I am warning you, these things are HEAVY! And a pain to hang! If you pay attention you can see that our screws arent in all the way because by the time he had screwed all the holes and started to hang it, our drill didnt have much power left! Just another thing for the to do list :)

I LOVE how it turned out!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

EASY $3 dollar Cupcake Holder.

Easiest thing ever.

Cupcake Holder.
-3 plates, big medium and small
-Amazing E600 glue {found at roberts, micheals, hobby lobby, etc..}
-Spray Paint {gloss}
-Heavy book
-Candle stick holders, cups, tealight holders..or anything to put in
between each layer. I used tea light holders from Ikea, they were .45 cents.
I got 4 and glued two together to create a longer stem.

Step One: Buy your plates and clean them off really well. I bleached mine and let them dry for 10 minutes after. Then I spray painted once they were dry. {mine were already white, but I did it so they would be the same shades of white.}

Step two: Glue your first stem onto the first plate. Make sure it is completely 
centered and completely even. Put a book on top and leave alone for a good hour. Just to ensure it's not going to slip at all, and make it uneven. 

Step 3: Add another layer, an hour later. Glue and put a book on the top plate for another hour. Glue another stem on top of that plate and wait an hour to dry. Then add another on top, being the last plate.

Voila! A pretty cupcake holder. 

{i washed the plates again, and scraped off excess glue from them when i was done..
just to make sure it was ok to stack a ton of cupcakes on them}

Crock Pot French Dips

My love for french dips didn't come about until after I was married. But now, its one of my favorite dinners! And it's SO easy and cheap! It takes a little time, but it's SO worth it! I usually turn this on before I go to bed on saturday night, and it's perfect when we get home from church.

You Need...
1 beef roast (around 2-3 lbs)
6 cups water
1 packet Au Jus mix
1 TBS garlic powder
3 tsp onion powder
2 Beef Bouillon cubes
Crusty rolls
ANOTHER Au Jus packet
1 tsp garlic powder

Combine the top 6 ingredients in a slow cooker, and turn in on to LOW for about 12-13 hours AT LEAST! I promise you, the longer you cook this the better! I tried cooking roasts on high for 5-6 hours forever, and they were tough and dry and not good at all, but cook it on low overnight... and it turns into moist, juicy, yummy, beefy heaven! about an hour before I serve it, I shred the meat and put it back into the juice for the last hour. Make the Au Jus according to the directions and add the garlic powder. Pile meat onto the rolls, add cheese and dip away! We add mustard to ours, but you can get creative and add whatever!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Garden Pasta Salad

This was one of the recipies I shared on Mandy's Recipe Box last week!
Summer Garden Pasta Salad
(feeds 3-4 people)
1/2 box (1/2lb) Rotini Pasta, cooked and cooled
1-2 small zucchini, chopped
2 small carrots, chopped
1 cup purple cabbage, sliced
1/2 of a green bell pepper diced
1/4 cup green onion
1/2 cup olives, sliced
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 TBS Sriracha Chili sauce
1 tsp Soy sauce
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
2 TBS Parmesan Cheese
Toss the Pasta and all of the veggies in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix all of the dressing ingredients. This is the point that you can taste the dressing, and add more seasonings to taste. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and mix well. Serve cold or at room temp.
You can really go garden crazy with this salad! Add and kind of veggies you want! Tomatoes, jalapenos, cucumber etc. And for the meat eater (my hubby), feel free to add diced chicken, cooked ham, or even sliced steak! The possibilities are endless!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lovely Little Link-up!

Welcome to our first Link-up Party! Feel free to link up to your
...and anything else lovely you want to share!
And be sure to share our button to show everyone where you've been linked to!

Lovely Little Link-up!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Veggie Chicken Salad

This is a WONDERFUL summer lunch! it's cool, and crisp, and you can use any kind of veggies you have in the house!
Veggie Chicken Salad
1 cup shredded chicken
3 TBS miracle whip
1 TBS mustard (optional)
1 TBS dill pickle relish
1/4 tsp coarse ground pepper
1/4 tsp kosher salt
shredded cabbage
diced carrot
diced celery
Mix all ingretients together and chill. Spread on whole grain bread and enjoy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summertime Goodies {Guest Post}

Hey there! I am Mandy from Mandy's Recipe Box and I'm taking over today! 

I am a wife and momma to 3 cutie pies- Hannah (8), Preston (6), and Emma (3). I grew up in the city of Ogden, Utah and moved to Logan to attend Utah State University. I met my husband there and we married in June 2000. Three years later, we moved to the middle of nowhere, Idaho. I am a converted country girl. You couldn't get me to move back to the city. No thanks! I love being home with my kids and cooking and baking up some goodies. I am a Twilight and Harry Potter fan and I love that my husband puts up with it.

I love love summertime. I love eating fresh food from my garden, spending lots of time with my family, and all the outdoor activities we can handle. I don't love cooking inside. It is too dang hot. I try to cook outside, in my slow cooker, or on the stove top as much as I can.

Today I am sharing some summertime favorites of ours. Greek Souvlaki, a Tropical Smoothie, and Very Chocolate Ice Cream. I hope you enjoy these summertime treats. 

Greek Souvlaki
2 lbs. pork roast cut into bite sized chunks
Accent or Season Salt
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 Tbsp. garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp. garlic salt
 olive oil
whatever veggies you want to add

Mix all seasonings together. Place pork in a container and sprinkle seasoning over it. Toss to coat. Pour in enough olive oil to cover the pork. Cover and marinate over night. Put onto skewers with veggies (peppers, mushrooms, onions etc), wrap in foil, and cook slowly on the grill. About 20 minutes or until done. Before serving, remove foil and sprinkle with lemon juice.

It is so tender and delicious. You will want more than one skewer, if you're like me. Makes great leftovers.

Tropical Smoothie
1 c. frozen pineapple chunks
1 c. frozen mango chunks
1/2 c. canned unsweetended coconut milk (found in the asian section)
1/2 c. milk
2 Tbsp. honey

Place all in a blender. Process 15-30 seconds until smooth.

Very Chocolate Ice Cream
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
3 egg yolk, lightly beaten
2 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
2 cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine sugar, milk, salt, and cocoa powder in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a simmer. Place the egg yolks into a small bowl. Gradually stir in about 1/2 cup of the hot liquid. and return to the saucepan. Heat until thickened, but do not boil. Remove from the heat, and stir in the chopped chocolate until chocolate is melted. Pour into a chilled bowl, and refrigerate for about two hours until cold, stirring occasionally.

When chocolate mixture has completely cooled, stir in the cream, and vanilla. Pour into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to manufacturer's directions.

Thanks to Lovely Little Snippets for letting me steal their blog today. Be sure to check out more tasty recipes on Mandy's Recipe Box. You can also find me on Facebook.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Photography Giveaway!!

Comment on this post, and then here are the links to the other 2 places to enter!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Date Night in a Jar

Here's a great idea for a wedding, anniversary, or just a romantic gift - a date night jar! It is super simple to make and helps with coming up with something different than just watching a movie together. I made this as a gift for a bridal shower I attended a couple of weeks ago.

Supplies Needed:
- An old jar (I used an old spaghetti sauce jar)
- Spray paint (for the lid)
- Large craft sticks (for date ideas)
- Paint (to paint the craft sticks)
- Ink for distressing
- Embellishments

The hardest part was cleaning off the label and glue from the jar. I found some great ideas online for fun dates. For a huge list of 52 date ideas for an entire year visit Alison at Oopsey Daisy. Another great website for really fun ideas is The Dating Divas. Next time I think I will embellish it more, but this fit in with the brides style. I even made one for me and my hubby too! The best part is that it is a personal gift that costs very little. Plus, it can go perfectly with that little something that always makes the bride blush without being too tasteless.

New and Improved!

We've got a new button to match our new look! Be sure to add it to your page!


Rice 101

I have a rather embarrassing confession... until about a month ago, I had never cooked rice. I had cooked minute rice, and rice-a-roni. But not just plain ol' white rice. But guess what? I looked it up online... and IT'S EASY-PEASY! Wanna know how?
Heat 1 1/2 cups of water to a boil. Turn heat down to the lowest setting and add 1 cup of rice and 1 tsp of margarine. Stir ONCE. Cover and let it hang out for 20 minutes. VOILA! You have perfect rice!
Did you know something else? You can FREEZE cooked rice? Who knew!? Oh. You knew? Well I didn't! But it's my new favorite thing to do! After the rice has cooled, scoop into Ziploc baggies and push all the air out. lay flat in the freezer. And when you want to thaw it, just pop the bag in the microwave for like a minute! AMAZING! Needless to say I've recently been using the 10lb. bag that has been sitting in my pantry for, oh I don't know... FOREVER!?
Whoever let me think I needed that much rice to make rice bags... was not my friend.

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