Mmmm. Christmas Decorations. My favorite! It just doesn't feel like the holidays until the stockings are hung!
I wanted to share a few tips that I use when buying holiday decor, so I don't break the bank every year!
Tip #1- Shop the sales.
this kind of sounds like a no-brainer, doesn't it!? But you'd be surprised at how many people don't shop for new decor after the season is over! Last year I got all of the ornaments for my second tree at like 75% off! I think I spent maybe $20 total on the entire tree! Decor goes on sale anywhere from 25-90% off a few days after Christmas, and I stock up! Robert's usually puts their holiday decor on sale way before the holiday is up! Just make sure to not buy things that are going to go out of style fast, stick to traditional pieces.
Tip #2- Buy multi-seasonal colors
Red is a GREAT color to buy because it works for a few different holidays. (Christmas, Valentines, 4th of July) Green (Christmas, St. Patricks Day, Thanksgiving) This tip works great for things like wreaths, candles and garlands.
Tip #3- Make what you can
I'm not kidding! A chunk of wood and some paint costs a LOT LESS than a $15 premade block from a boutique! It's even better if you have a cricut/silhouette and can cut your own vinyl! But places like Steamrollers will cut vinyl for you! I made our stocking this year (tutorial on that to come!) and I think I spent like $6 on everything! A lot cheaper than paying $12 per stocking!
Tip #4- Use interchangeable focal points
Remember the
Plate rack I bought? I LOVE it! It's SO easy to just pick up a few plates that match the season, and change them out! And bonus, if you don't use vinyl on them, you could use the same color for multiple seasons! But again, you can get vinyl for pretty cheap! Or try buying some fancy plates that wont need vinyl! I bought 3 chargers from walmart that were like .97 cents each!
Want a look at my Decor? Don't get too excited, it's nothing fancy. It's hard to decorate the bottom half of your house when you have a curious 1 year old. But I did manage to talk my hubby into putting up a second tree!

This Shelf is in my front room, I usually do this one first since it's the first thing people see.
My Homemade stockings, yes they LOOK homemade, I know!
Like my leg lamp? It was a gift form my sweet friend! :)
Tree #1. Notice how the bottom is scarce? You can thank my little man for that.
Tree #2. This is our fun tree. It will hold all our family ornaments, when we get some! ;)
Plate rack, not too bad for $3.00!
Like the Reindeer? I'm working on a tutorial for that! We made them at our craft night with my husbands family on Thanksgiving. And that Joy block?... see what I mean about making things! That was free!
This was my sad attempt at showing you my pant shelf in the kitchen. The lighting is horrible up there!
And that's about it! Hope it gave you some inspiration to go make or buy some new decor!