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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Open Faced Breakfast Sandwich

Okay, okay. I know, this isn't so much a recipe, but it is one of my very favorite breakfasts, so I thought I'd share!

1 slich whole wheat bread
2 eggs
salt and pepper
3 slices bacon (I used Turkey bacon)
shredded monterey jack cheese
In a bowl, scramble your eggs with a little s&p until well combined, pour into a greased skillet and cook unitl eggs are set, keeping the eggs together in one piece. When the eggs are almost done (set but no browning yet, flip and top with cheese. Turn the heat to low and cover with a lid and allow cheese to melt. While the cheese is melting, cook your bacon in a seperate pan, and toast your bread. One all that is done, butter your toast, top with bacon, and then the cheesy eggs. 

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