
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fajita Chicken Salad

Fajita Chicken Salad
(makes 2 salads)
1 cup slices onion
1 cup sliced bell pepper (any color)
1 cup shredded chicken
1 TBS taco seasoning
1 TBS vegetable oil
salad greens
kidney beans
sliced olives
tortilla chips
taco sauce
ranch dressing

In a saute pan heat oil to a ripple and add peppers and onions. Cook until caramelized and then add chicken. Add taco seasoning and a little water just to help the seasoning distribute evenly.
Start with a bed of greens, add kidney beans, olives, ranch, taco sauce and your fajita mixture. crush tortilla chips and add to the top.


  1. mm this sounds bomb! minus the chicken of course! good news, they have vegitarian chk'n that i can use!

  2. I love to see all the yummy food you make! It inspires me to step it up in the kitchen. :)


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