
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DIY Koolaid Playdough

It's hot outside. Enough said. Southern Utah is especially toasty right now. Like 110 degrees everyday. Bluck. The heat really never used to bother me, it meant going to the lake, and laying out. But now I have kids. And I have to worry about sunscreen and if they are drinking enough water. It's a lot more stressful! So the more activities we can do inside... the better!
Playdough is the perfect solution to those boring 'inside' days. And anything that can keep my little guys attention for more than 10 minutes, is okay by me!!
Koolaid Playdough
1 cup of flour
2 TBS of cream of tartar
1/4 cup of salt
2 pkgs. of  Kool-Aid of one color/flavor
(as in: don't mix grape and orange... you'll get grey playdough)
1 cup of room temp. water
1 TBS vegetable or canola oil
In a medium saucepan, off the heat, mix together everything but the oil.
Mix everything well. and THEN add the oil and stir.
Place the saucepan on the stove, and cook for 3-5 minutes on medium heat. Stir the whole time.
When a ball starts to form, turn off the heat and remove the pan. The playdough will be very HOT, so be careful.  Remove the ball of dough from the pan and allow to cool for a second. Once the playdough is cool enough to handle, knead until it becomes a soft ball.
Store in a ziplock baggie in the fridge. Mine has kept for at least 6 months!

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