
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

DIY Felt Heart Garland

I've had my Valentines decor up for some time now actually! In fact, the day after I took down Christmas I pulled it all out!
If you are on Pinterest, chances are, you've seen this garland (or one like it) all over the place! They've become quite popular! And for a good reason, they are very easy to make!
Step 1. Choose your felt. Now, lets talk felt for a second... if you were to ask me which felt to buy a month ago, I would of told you to just go pick up the cheap stuff from walmart and you'd be fine. I will not tell you that now however. Wool felt people. WOOL. Yes, its a tad more pricey, but if you can find it, it's softer, its not so puffy, it cuts a million times easier and it doesn't fray. I got mine at Joannes next to the regular bulk felt. I think I payed like $1 for 1/8 yard.
Anyways, so as you can see, I chose red, grey and white.
Pin your fabric over about an inch and a half (NOT exact, just guessing) and go ahead and cut hearts to your hearts content!  (pun intended)
I think I cut like 25 in all or something.
 Once you have all your hearts cut, bust out your sewing machine. Or, if you are like me and have been doing countless baby girl projects, it will already be set up on your kitchen table :)
 Take your first heart, and sew a straight line down the center, then, when you are almost to the edge, grab your next heart and start feeding it through immediately behind it. It take a little pushing, and once in awhile I had to lift the machine foot to get it under there, but it's really quite simple after you get the hang of it!
Then just repeat with all your hearts!


  1. i love this! so cute and simple. i wish my sewing machine was working. :(

  2. Thats so cute and simple ... oops, looked at the comment above and they said the same thing. For christmas I made a garland of stars out of paper, but felt would be much more long lasting. Can't wait to decorate my home :)

  3. Lovely! So simple and so nice =D

    Yellow Blog [design]


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