
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Roasted Vegetable Tortellini

So, recently I have developed a deep and abiding love for brussel sprouts, resulting in the always being in my fridge! The other night I got out the tortellini to try a new recipe, and little by little I changed it, until it evolved into this! I was SO happy with how it turned out! SO good! My husband loved it, which is a BIG deal! In fact, he just passed by, looked at the screen and said "Mmm. that was good. I liked that." See what I mean. BIG deal.
Roasted Vegetable Tortellini
1 lb. frozen tortellini pasta
1/2 lb brussel spouts
1/2 lb asparagus spears
2 TBS olive oil
salt and pepper
1/2 cup Pesto (store bought, fresh, or from a packet)
1 chicken breast, cut into chunks
Preheat oven to 400. In a large pot, cook your tortellini pasta according to package directions. Cut the brussel sprouts into quarters and the asparagus into 1 inch pieces, toss in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place on a cookie sheet and roast in the oven for 20 minutes, flipping half way through. In a skillet, cook your chicken chunks for about 10 minutes, or until no longer pink.  Prepare your pesto, if needed, and toss with the cooked tortellini. Add chicken and roasted vegtables and serve.

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