
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I Love Wednesday...

I know, I've missed the last few weeks! But here is what I love this week!
This dressing is awesome! I have seriously eaten salads with this for like 9 out of 10 lunches the past few weeks!

I bought this baby yesterday! I had a swiffer in our last house, but we had linoleum floors, so it didn't work too well and I ended up throwing it away. In our new house, we have tile, and I was sick of getting down on my hands and knees every single day to clean up little spots. So I bought another one! And I have to admit, I was THRILLED when I saw they had a pink one for breast cancer awareness!

enough said.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yay for Swiffers! I wrote a whole post about them! - also tips to get the refill pads cheaper. :)
    {If I didn't have one- my floors would NEVER be clean! lol}


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