
Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Garden Pasta Salad

This was one of the recipies I shared on Mandy's Recipe Box last week!
Summer Garden Pasta Salad
(feeds 3-4 people)
1/2 box (1/2lb) Rotini Pasta, cooked and cooled
1-2 small zucchini, chopped
2 small carrots, chopped
1 cup purple cabbage, sliced
1/2 of a green bell pepper diced
1/4 cup green onion
1/2 cup olives, sliced
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 TBS Sriracha Chili sauce
1 tsp Soy sauce
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
2 TBS Parmesan Cheese
Toss the Pasta and all of the veggies in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix all of the dressing ingredients. This is the point that you can taste the dressing, and add more seasonings to taste. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and mix well. Serve cold or at room temp.
You can really go garden crazy with this salad! Add and kind of veggies you want! Tomatoes, jalapenos, cucumber etc. And for the meat eater (my hubby), feel free to add diced chicken, cooked ham, or even sliced steak! The possibilities are endless!


  1. Thanks for sharing this great recipe. I'll be joining you all next Thursday. I'm on a mission!

  2. That pasta salad looks so good! It is fairly similar to the one I make, but I've never tried adding purple cabbage. I'll have to give that a shot. Have a blessed day :)

    PS- I host a recipe swap every week and I'd love for you to come by and show off a recipe or two.

  3. These are really delightful colourful treats and photographs. Dish of mint and chestnut, strawberries and cream, vanilla and salted caramel are my favorite. Your dishes are looks too much delicious.
    r4 card


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