
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Creamy Peach Smoothie

1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup low fat vanilla ice cream
5 slices frozen peaches
1/2 of a banana
splash of milk

throw everything into a blender and blend until smooth. if you want is icy-er- add more ice cream, smoother- add more yogurt, fruitier- add more peaches.

ps. dont you love that jar!? my mom gave it to me with homemade jam, but I loved it to much to just stick it in the cupboard!

1 comment:

  1. That looks sooo yummy!! I found your blog from Utah Baby Blog and wanted to invite you to our first Blog Party in Utah. If you are interested in coming there are details on my blog at Thank you so much!! Would love to hang out!


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